Our Bouquets

Our bouquets feature 15-18 stems of blooms, fillers, and foliage cut fresh from our gardens daily. The variety of flowers, designs, and color schemes follow the whims of nature throughout the growing season on a weekly basis. Each bouquet is unique. Some are humble with their beauty while others boldly shout out look at me.

Our unique and beautiful bouquets will be available during the growing season at the various Farmers’ markets we will attend (the markets for the 2024 are still to be determined 1/4/2024).

We, also, offer 4 bouquet subscription plans for our customers to enjoy our blooms. Visit our store for more details on subscription plans. Flower subscriptions are a great gift to treat yourself or gift to someone wonderful!

New, this year! You will be able to pre-order and purchase individual garden fresh cut bouquets to pick-up at our farm or attending farmers’ markets. On line sells for individual bouquets will begin June 24th, 2024. Visit our store for more details.

Bouquet examples from 2023.


Pinks and Purples

Whites and Peach

Whites and contrast/Reds

Dahlia bouquets